Saturday, March 14, 2009

Can Video Help My Business ?

You betcha! What better way to explain your business to people than to actually SHOW them. It's tough enough to close sales as it is...particularly in these tough economic times. Video can do that for you. Show your potential customers what you mean. Show them how they can profit from your business. Show them actual processes, products and outcomes. The persuasive power of video is second to none. And now the full potential of video is being unleashed on the web through such social networking site as You Tube, Facebook, and In their infancy, businesses rejected such sites as being for "kids." But now they've entered the global mainstream as an effective means for businesses to communicate and network with each other and with their customers.

If you haven't already, it's time for your business to climb on board. Let Tarulli Media Group develop a video presence on the web for you. Email us at or use our land line at 330-364-8273. We travel anywhere, anytime.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Amish and Zoarites

Even if you're not from around these parts, I'm sure you've heard about the Amish. But who are these "Zoarites?" Well they didn't land here from a distant galaxy. They were a group of German Separatists who settled in northern Tuscarawas County in the early 1800's and built the communal village of Zoar. They had a lot in common with the Amish. They spoke German. They dressed alike. They lived off the land. They made furniture. And they wore big hats. But the Zoarites had one up on the Amish in the construction category. The Zoarites built their own lock on the Ohio and Erie Canal. Soon the canal turned Zoar into a tourist attraction and by the late 1800's, the villagers quit their communal-style living and went their own ways. Funny how history repeats itself. That's exactly what's happening in Ohio's Amish Country today because of the explosion of tourist stops along State Route 39.

But back to the real reason I wrote this post. Today's addition's to TMG's You Tube channel (TarulliVideo) are "The History of Zoar," "Weaver Leather," and "Coblentz Furniture." The Zoar video was created for the Zoar Community Association, a very hardworking and dedicated group that is trying to keep the village's historical significance alive. You owe it to yourself to pay a visit to Zoar, if for nothing else, to meet these people and let them share their knowledge and love of their village with you. You can purchase this video and others when you visit the Town Hall. Don't forget to go upstairs in the Town Hall to see some really cool artifacts.

Weaver Leather and Coblentz are two companies who take great pride in their Amish heritage. We hope you'll enjoy learning about them as much as we did.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Videos Have Been Uploaded to TMG's You Tube channel

I was busy today uploading more videos from our archive to the new Tarulli Media Group channel on You Tube. The channel's been active less than a week and already we've had looks from faraway places like China, Hungary and Poland. Wow. This social networking thing is powerful. Let's hope it translates into more business and recognition for our hard work.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Making Our Comeback

Tarulli Video - aka Tarulli Media Group - is in the midst of reinventing itself...again. That has always been our mode of operation because we are creators by nature and digital media artists by choice. Our company's evolution continues to be driven by emerging technologies and the needs of our clients.

This time is different however. The current economic recession has added a new element to our reinvention process. Risk is always part of the process. But today, the uncertainty of sustained business makes us more fearful than we've been in the past. That's why we've made social networking - like this blog - a component in our comeback. Now, more than ever, it's important to remain in contact with your clients, your markets and your friends - wherever they are. If we commit to doing business with each other to stay in business, we'll work our ways out of this. And the result will be stronger relationships and stronger businesses.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Joel's been hard at work developing TMG's You Tube channel

Tarulli Media Group now has a You Tube channel! Check it out at Our channel will be updated daily. We're emptying our vast video archive to show the world our diversity and expertise in creating digital solutions to our client's needs.

We encourage you to subscribe to our You Tube channel at and tell your friends and business associates to do the same. Tarulli Media Group (we've rebranded our company because "It's not just about video anymore!") acknowledges that social networking is here to stay in the "business-to-business" business. So we're embracing the new technologies and using them to reinvent our company once again.