Friday, July 16, 2010

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Ryder-Heil Bronze Company

What does it take for a business to survive 100 years?  Luck you say?  Hmmm.  Don't think that's what the Ryder-Heil Bronze Company of Bucyrus Ohio used to make it through two world wars, economic recessions and depressions and global competition.  Theirs is an inspiring American success story; a family business whose principles were passed down through the generations by loyal owners, employees and customers.
We've put the finishing touches on a video project for Ryder-Heil in collaboration with Badertscher Communications of Marion, Ohio (or BadComm as they're known on the street).  The photo you see is the display created for the video's opening scene designed by none other than BadComm owner and chief creative guru Steve Badertscher.  Stop by the Tarulli HD Media Group YouTube Channel to view the Ryder-Heil video to see how the display was used and to learn the Ryder-Heil story.  Steve proved once again he's a master at taking items as unglamorous as a boxful of bronze castings and a bag of bronze metal shavings, and turning them into an artistic expression. 
This project brought us a lot of joy.  The Ryder-Heil folks are a special group who take great pride in their products, their customers, and their company.  By the way Dover, Ohio native Herb Kleine has been president of Ryder-Heil since 2008.  Yet another Tuscarawas County connection.

View the video from our You Tube channel.